Grades K-3 Use of Sloan's Economics
Free Readings to teach real economics to your students. Many schools have an objective to introduce some economics at all levels in their social studies. Unfortunately, most just do descriptions of people in the work world, which is not really economics.The ideas in these chapters are understandable to K-3 students. Although most will not be able to read the text, students will grasp the valuable, basic concepts when segments are read or described to them. These two free readings can promote useful class discussions:
1. "Oreo" chapter on food economics. In picking out food for dinner, students learn how free markets operate to benefit them.
2. Early New York history chapter. While hearing about conditions in the first New York City settlements, students learn how good government helps any community grow.
Teachers who find the above readings useful should consider purchasing a copy of Sloan's full Economics text.
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